Source code for pactools.peak_locking

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

from .comodulogram import multiple_band_pass
from .utils.peak_finder import peak_finder
from .utils.validation import check_consistent_shape, check_array
from .utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from .utils.viz import add_colorbar, mpl_palette

[docs]class PeakLocking(object): """An object to compute time average and time-frequency averaged with peak-locking, to analyze phase-amplitude coupling. Parameters ---------- fs : float Sampling frequency low_fq : float Filtering frequency (phase signal) low_fq_width : float Bandwidth of the band-pass filter (phase signal) high_fq_range : array or list, shape (n_high, ), or 'auto' List of filtering frequencies (amplitude signal) If 'auto', it uses np.linspace(low_fq, fs / 2, 40). high_fq_width : float or 'auto' Bandwidth of the band-pass filter (amplitude signal) If 'auto', it uses 2 * low_fq. t_plot : float Time to plot around the peaks (in second) filter_method : in {'mne', 'pactools'} Choose band pass filtering method (in multiple_band_pass) 'mne': with mne.filter.band_pass_filter 'pactools': with pactools.fir.BandPassFilter (default) peak_or_trough: in {'peak', 'trough'} Lock to the maximum (peak) of minimum (trough) of the slow oscillation. percentiles : list of float or string, shape (n_percentiles, ) Percentile to compute for the time representation. It can also include 'mean', 'std' or 'ste' (resp. mean, standard deviation or standard error). """
[docs] def __init__(self, fs, low_fq, low_fq_width=1.0, high_fq_range='auto', high_fq_width='auto', t_plot=1.0, filter_method='pactools', peak_or_trough='peak', percentiles=['std+', 'mean', 'std-']): self.fs = fs self.low_fq = low_fq self.high_fq_range = high_fq_range self.low_fq_width = low_fq_width self.high_fq_width = high_fq_width self.t_plot = t_plot self.filter_method = filter_method self.peak_or_trough = peak_or_trough self.percentiles = percentiles
def fit(self, low_sig, high_sig=None, mask=None): """ Compute peak-locked time-averaged and time-frequency representations. Parameters ---------- low_sig : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Input data for the phase signal high_sig : array or None, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Input data for the amplitude signal. If None, we use low_sig for both signals mask : array or None, shape (n_epochs, n_points) The locking is only evaluated where the mask is False. Masking is done after filtering. ax_draw_peaks : boolean or matplotlib.axes.Axes instance If True, plot the first peaks/troughs in the phase signal Plot on the matplotlib.axes.Axes instance if given, or on a new figure. Attributes ---------- time_frequency_ : array, shape (n_high, n_window) Time-frequency representation, averaged with peak-locking. (n_window is the number of point in t_plot seconds) time_average_ : array, shape (n_percentiles, n_window) Time representation, averaged with peak-locking. (n_window is the number of point in t_plot seconds) """ self.low_fq = np.atleast_1d(self.low_fq) if self.high_fq_range == 'auto': self.high_fq_range = np.linspace(self.low_fq[0], self.fs / 2.0, 40) if self.high_fq_width == 'auto': self.high_fq_width = 2 * self.low_fq[0] self.high_fq_range = np.asarray(self.high_fq_range) self.low_sig = check_array(low_sig) self.high_sig = check_array(high_sig, accept_none=True) if self.high_sig is None: self.high_sig = self.low_sig self.mask = check_array(mask, accept_none=True) check_consistent_shape(self.low_sig, self.high_sig, self.mask) # compute the slow oscillation # 1, n_epochs, n_points = filtered_low.shape filtered_low = multiple_band_pass(low_sig, self.fs, self.low_fq, self.low_fq_width, filter_method=self.filter_method) self.filtered_low_ = filtered_low[0] filtered_low_real = np.real(self.filtered_low_) if False: # find the peak in the filtered_low_real extrema = 1 if self.peak_or_trough == 'peak' else -1 thresh = (filtered_low_real.max() - filtered_low_real.min()) / 10. self.peak_loc, self.peak_mag = peak_finder_multi_epochs( filtered_low_real, fs=self.fs, t_plot=self.t_plot, mask=self.mask, thresh=thresh, extrema=extrema) else: # find the peak in the phase of filtered_low phase = np.angle(self.filtered_low_) if self.peak_or_trough == 'peak': phase = (phase + 2 * np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) self.peak_loc, _ = peak_finder_multi_epochs( phase, fs=self.fs, t_plot=self.t_plot, mask=self.mask, extrema=1) self.peak_mag = filtered_low_real.ravel()[self.peak_loc] # extract several signals with band-pass filters # n_high, n_epochs, n_points = filtered_high.shape self.filtered_high_ = multiple_band_pass( self.high_sig, self.fs, self.high_fq_range, self.high_fq_width, n_cycles=None, filter_method=self.filter_method) # compute the peak locked time-frequency representation time_frequency_ = peak_locked_time_frequency( self.filtered_high_, self.fs, self.high_fq_range, peak_loc=self.peak_loc, t_plot=self.t_plot, mask=self.mask) # compute the peak locked time representation # we don't need the mask here, since only the valid peak locations are # kept in peak_finder_multi_epochs time_average_ = peak_locked_percentile(self.low_sig[None, :], self.fs, self.peak_loc, self.t_plot, self.percentiles) time_average_ = time_average_[0, :, :] self.time_frequency_ = time_frequency_ self.time_average_ = time_average_ return self def plot_peaks(self, ax=None): check_is_fitted(self, 'filtered_low_') # plot the filtered_low_real peaks if not isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 5)) ax = fig.gca() n_point_plot = min(3000, self.low_sig.shape[1]) time = np.arange(n_point_plot) / float(self.fs) filtered = np.real(self.filtered_low_[0, :n_point_plot]) ax.plot(time, self.low_sig[0, :n_point_plot], label='signal') ax.plot(time, filtered, label='driver') ax.plot(self.peak_loc[self.peak_loc < n_point_plot] / float(self.fs), self.peak_mag[self.peak_loc < n_point_plot], 'o', label='peaks') ax.set_xlabel('Time (sec)') ax.set_title("Driver's peak detection") ax.set_legend(loc=0) def plot(self, axs=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, ylim=None): """ Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure instance containing the plot. """ check_is_fitted(self, 'time_average_') if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 8)) axs = axs.ravel() else: fig = axs[0].figure # plot the peak-locked time-frequency ax = axs[0] n_high, n_points = self.time_average_.shape vmax = np.abs(self.time_frequency_).max() if vmax is None else vmax vmin = -vmax extent = ( -self.t_plot / 2, self.t_plot / 2, self.high_fq_range[0], self.high_fq_range[-1], ) cax = ax.imshow(self.time_frequency_, cmap=plt.get_cmap('RdBu_r'), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='none', extent=extent) # ax.set_xlabel('Time (sec)') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax.set_title('Driver peak-locked Time-frequency decomposition') # plot the colorbar plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) add_colorbar(fig, cax, vmin, vmax, unit='', ax=None) # plot the peak-locked time ax = axs[1] labels = { 'std+': r'$\mu+\sigma$', 'std-': r'$\mu-\sigma$', 'ste+': r'$\mu+\sigma/\sqrt{n}$', 'ste-': r'$\mu-\sigma/\sqrt{n}$', 'mean': r'$\mu$', } colors = mpl_palette('viridis', n_colors=len(self.percentiles)) n_percentiles, n_points = self.time_average_.shape time = (np.arange(n_points) - n_points // 2) / float(self.fs) for i, p in enumerate(self.percentiles): label = ('%d %%' % p) if isinstance(p, int) else labels[p] ax.plot(time, self.time_average_[i, :], color=colors[i], label=label) ax.set_xlabel('Time (sec)') ax.set_title('Driver peak-locked average of raw signal') ax.legend(loc='lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0.) ax.grid('on') # make room for the legend or apply specified ylim if ylim is None: ylim = ax.get_ylim() ylim = (ylim[0] - (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.2, ylim[1]) ax.set_ylim(ylim) return fig
def peak_finder_multi_epochs(x0, fs=None, t_plot=None, mask=None, thresh=None, extrema=1): """Call peak_finder for multiple epochs, and fill only one array as if peak_finder was called with the ravelled array. Also remove the peaks that are too close to the start or the end of each epoch, and the peaks that are masked by the mask. """ n_epochs, n_points = x0.shape peak_inds_list = [] peak_mags_list = [] for i_epoch in range(n_epochs): peak_inds, peak_mags = peak_finder(x0[i_epoch], thresh=thresh, extrema=extrema) # remove the peaks too close to the start or the end if t_plot is not None and fs is not None: n_half_window = int(fs * t_plot / 2.) selection = np.logical_and(peak_inds > n_half_window, peak_inds < n_points - n_half_window) peak_inds = peak_inds[selection] peak_mags = peak_mags[selection] # remove the masked peaks if mask is not None: selection = mask[i_epoch, peak_inds] == 0 peak_inds = peak_inds[selection] peak_mags = peak_mags[selection] peak_inds_list.extend(peak_inds + i_epoch * n_points) peak_mags_list.extend(peak_mags) if peak_inds_list == []: raise ValueError("No %s detected. The signal might be to short, " "or the mask to strong. You can also try to reduce " "the plotted time window `t_plot`." % ["trough", "peak"][(extrema + 1) // 2]) return np.array(peak_inds_list), np.array(peak_mags_list) def peak_locked_time_frequency(filtered_high, fs, high_fq_range, peak_loc, t_plot, mask=None): """ Compute the peak-locked Time-frequency """ # normalize each signal independently n_high, n_epochs, n_points = filtered_high.shape # normalization is done everywhere, but mean is computed # only where mask == 1 if mask is not None: masked_filtered_high = filtered_high[:, mask == 0] else: masked_filtered_high = filtered_high.reshape(n_high, -1) mean = masked_filtered_high.mean(axis=1)[:, None, None] std = masked_filtered_high.std(axis=1)[:, None, None] filtered_high -= mean filtered_high /= std # get the power (np.abs(filtered_high) ** 2) filtered_high *= np.conj(filtered_high) filtered_high = np.real(filtered_high) # subtract the mean power. if mask is not None: masked_filtered_high = filtered_high[:, mask == 0] else: masked_filtered_high = filtered_high.reshape(n_high, -1) mean = masked_filtered_high.mean(axis=1)[:, None, None] filtered_high -= mean # compute the evoked signals (peak-locked mean) evoked_signals = peak_locked_percentile(filtered_high, fs, peak_loc, t_plot) evoked_signals = evoked_signals[:, 0, :] return evoked_signals def peak_locked_percentile(signals, fs, peak_loc, t_plot, percentiles=['mean']): """ Compute the mean of each signal in signals, locked to the peaks Parameters ---------- signals : shape (n_signals, n_epochs, n_points) fs : sampling frequency peak_loc : indices of the peak locations t_plot : in second, time to plot around the peaks percentiles: list of precentile to compute. It can also include 'mean', 'std' or 'ste' (mean, standard deviation or standard error). Returns ------- evoked_signals : array, shape (n_signals, n_percentiles, n_window) """ n_signals, n_epochs, n_points = signals.shape n_window = int(fs * t_plot / 2.) * 2 + 1 n_percentiles = len(percentiles) # build indices matrix: each line is a index range around peak locations indices = np.tile(peak_loc, (n_window, 1)).T indices = indices + np.arange(n_window) - n_window // 2 # ravel the epochs since we now have isolated events signals = signals.reshape(n_signals, -1) n_peaks = indices.shape[0] assert n_peaks > 0 # compute the evoked signals (peak-locked mean) evoked_signals = np.zeros((n_signals, n_percentiles, n_window)) for i_s in range(n_signals): for i_p, p in enumerate(percentiles): if isinstance(p, int): evoked_signals[i_s, i_p] = np.percentile(signals[i_s][indices], p, axis=0) continue mean = np.mean(signals[i_s][indices], axis=0) if p == 'mean': evoked_signals[i_s, i_p] = mean else: std = np.std(signals[i_s][indices], axis=0) if p == 'std+': evoked_signals[i_s, i_p] = mean + std elif p == 'std-': evoked_signals[i_s, i_p] = mean - std elif p == 'ste+': evoked_signals[i_s, i_p] = mean + std / np.sqrt(n_peaks) elif p == 'ste-': evoked_signals[i_s, i_p] = mean - std / np.sqrt(n_peaks) else: raise (ValueError, 'wrong percentile string: %s' % p) return evoked_signals