Source code for pactools.dar_model.dar

import numpy as np

from .base_dar import BaseDAR

[docs]class DAR(BaseDAR): """ A driven auto-regressive (DAR) model, as described in [1]. This model uses the simple parametrization: .. math:: y(t) + \\sum_{i=1}^p a_i(t) y(t-i)= \\sigma(t)\\varepsilon(t) with: .. math:: a_i(t) = \\sum_{k=0}^m a_{ik} x(t)^k and: .. math:: \\log{\\sigma(t)} = \\sum_{k=0}^m b_{k} x(t)^k References ---------- [1] Dupre la Tour, T. , Tallot, L., Grabot, L., Doyere, V., van Wassenhove, V., Grenier, Y., & Gramfort, A. (2017). Non-linear Auto-Regressive Models for Cross-Frequency Coupling in Neural Time Series. bioRxiv, 159731. Parameters ---------- ordar : int >= 0 Order of the autoregressive model (p) ordriv : int >= 0 Order of the taylor expansion for sigdriv (m) criterion : None or string in ('bic', 'aic', 'logl') If not None, select the criterion used for model selection. normalize : boolean If True, the basis vectors are normalized to unit energy. ortho : boolean If True, the basis vectors are orthogonalized. center : boolean If True, we subtract the mean in sigin iter_gain : int >=0 Maximum number of iteration in gain estimation eps_gain : float >= 0 Threshold to stop iterations in gain estimation use_driver_phase : boolean If True, we divide the driver by its instantaneous amplitude. """ def _last_model(self): return self._estimate_model(only_last=True) def _next_model(self): return self._estimate_model(only_last=False) def _estimate_model(self, only_last=False): """Compute the AR model at successive orders Acts as a generator that returns AR_ Creates the models with orders from 0 to self.ordar Example ------- for AR_ in A._estimate_model(): A.AR_ = AR_ A.ordar_ = AR_.shape[0] """ if self.basis_ is None: raise ValueError('basis does not yet exist') # -------- get the training data sigin, basis, weights = self._get_train_data([self.sigin, self.basis_]) # mask the signal if weights is not None: weights = np.sqrt(weights) w_basis = weights * basis w_sigin = weights * sigin else: w_basis = basis w_sigin = sigin # -------- select signal, basis and regression signals n_epochs, n_points = sigin.shape m = self.n_basis K = self.ordar # -------- model at order 0 if not only_last or K == 0: AR_ = np.empty((0, m)) yield AR_ if K > 0: # -------- prepare regression signals sigreg = np.empty((K * m, n_epochs, n_points - K)) for k in range(K): sigreg[k * m:(k + 1) * m, :, :] = ( w_basis[:, :, K:] * sigin[:, K - 1 - k:n_points - 1 - k]) # -------- prepare auto/inter correlations scale = 1.0 / n_points R = scale * sigreg.reshape(K * m, -1), sigreg.reshape(K * m, -1).T) r = scale *[:, K:].reshape(1, -1), sigreg.reshape(K * m, -1).T) # -------- loop on successive orders range_iter = [K - 1, ] if only_last else range(K) for k in range_iter: km = k * m km_m = km + m AR_ = -np.linalg.solve(R[0:km_m, 0:km_m], r[:1, 0:km_m].T) AR_ = np.reshape(AR_, (k + 1, m)) yield AR_ def _estimate_error(self, recompute=False): """Estimates the prediction error uses self.sigin, self.basis_ and self.AR_ """ # compute the error on both the train and test part sigin = self.sigin basis = self.basis_ n_epochs, n_points = sigin.shape prediction = np.zeros((self.n_basis, n_epochs, n_points)) for k in range(self.ordar_): prediction[:, :, k + 1:n_points] += ( self.AR_[k, :][:, None, None] * sigin[:, 0:n_points - k - 1]) residual = sigin.copy() residual += np.einsum('i...,i...', prediction, basis) self.residual_ = residual def _develop(self, basis): """Compute the AR models and gains at instants fixed by newcols returns: ARcols : array containing the AR parts Gcols : array containing the gains The size of ARcols is (1 + ordar_, n_epochs, n_points) The size of Gcols is (1, n_epochs, n_points) """ n_basis, n_epochs, n_points = basis.shape ordar_ = self.ordar_ # -------- expand on the basis AR_cols_ones = np.ones((1, n_epochs, n_points)) if ordar_ > 0: AR_cols = np.tensordot(self.AR_, basis, axes=([1], [0])) AR_cols = np.vstack((AR_cols_ones, AR_cols)) else: AR_cols = AR_cols_ones G_cols = self._develop_gain(basis, squared=False, log=False) return (AR_cols, G_cols)
class AR(DAR): """ A simple linear auto-regressive (AR) model: .. math:: y(t) + \\sum_{i=1}^p a_i y(t-i)= \\varepsilon(t) """ def __init__(self, ordar=1, ordriv=0, *args, **kwargs): super(AR, self).__init__(ordar=ordar, ordriv=0, *args, **kwargs)