Source code for pactools.dar_model.preprocess

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ..utils.spectrum import Spectrum
from ..utils.fir import BandPassFilter, LowPassFilter
from ..utils.arma import Arma
from ..utils.validation import check_random_state

def _decimate(x, q):
    Downsample the signal after low-pass filtering to avoid aliasing.
    An order 16 Chebyshev type I filter is used.

    x : ndarray
        The signal to be downsampled, as an N-dimensional array.
    q : int
        The downsampling factor.

    y : ndarray
        The down-sampled signal.
    if not isinstance(q, int):
        raise TypeError("q must be an integer")

    b, a = signal.filter_design.cheby1(16, 0.025, 0.98 / q)

    y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x, axis=-1)

    sl = [slice(None)] * y.ndim
    sl[-1] = slice(None, None, q)
    return y[sl]

def decimate(sig, fs, decimation_factor):
    """Decimates the signal:
    Downsampling after low-pass filtering to avoid aliasing

    sig : array
        Raw input signal
    fs : float
        Sampling frequency of the input
    decimation_factor : int > 0
        Ratio of sampling frequencies (old/new)

    sig : array
        Decimated signal
    fs : float
        Sampling frequency of the output

    # -------- center the signal
    sig = sig - np.mean(sig)

    # -------- resample
    # decimation could be performed in two steps for better performance
    # 0 in the following array means no decimation
    dec_1st = [
        0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 2, 0, 3, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 0, 4, 3, 0, 0,
        4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 0, 5
    dec_2nd = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3, 5, 0, 4, 0, 7, 5, 4, 0, 6, 0, 5, 7, 0, 0,
        6, 5, 0, 9, 7, 0, 6

    d1 = dec_1st[decimation_factor]
    if d1 == 0:
        raise ValueError('cannot decimate by %d' % decimation_factor)

    sig = _decimate(sig, d1)
    sig = sig.astype(np.float32)
    d2 = dec_2nd[decimation_factor]
    if d2 > 0:
        sig = _decimate(sig, d2)
        sig = sig.astype(np.float32)

    fs = fs / decimation_factor

    return sig, fs

def extract_and_fill(sig, fs, fc, n_cycles=None, bandwidth=1.0, fill=0,
                     draw='', random_noise=None, extract_complex=True,
                     low_pass=False, random_state=None):
    """Creates a FIR bandpass filter, applies this filter to a signal to obtain
    the filtered signal low_sig and its complement high_sig.
    Also fills the frequency gap in high_sig.

    sig : array
        Input signal
    fs : float
        Sampling frequency
    fc : float
        Center frequency of the bandpass filter
    n_cycles : float
        Number of cycles in the bandpass filter
        Should be None if bandwidth is not None
    bandwidth : float
        Bandwidth of the bandpass filter
        Should be None if n_cycles is not None
    fill : int in {0, 1, 2}
        Filling strategy for in high_sig
        0 : keep the signal unchanged: high_sig = sig
        1 : remove (the bandpass filtered signal): high_sig = sig - low_sig
        2 : remove and replace by bandpass filtered Gaussian white noise
    draw : string
        List of plots to draw
    extract_complex : boolean
        Use a complex wavelet
    low_pass : boolean
        Use a lowpass filter at fc instead of a bandpass filter centered at fc
    random_state : None, int or np.random.RandomState instance
        Seed or random number generator for the surrogate analysis

    low_sig : array
        Bandpass filtered signal
    high_sig : array
        Processed fullband signal
    low_sig_imag : array (returned only if extract_complex is True)
        Imaginary part of the bandpass filtered signal

    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
    if random_noise is None:
        random_noise = rng.randn(len(sig))

    if low_pass:
        filt = LowPassFilter(fs=fs, fc=fc, bandwidth=bandwidth)
        if extract_complex:
            raise NotImplementedError('extract_complex incompatible with '
                                      'low_pass filter.')
        filt = BandPassFilter(fs=fs, fc=fc, n_cycles=n_cycles,
                              bandwidth=bandwidth, zero_mean=True,
        if 'e' in draw or 'z' in draw:

    if extract_complex:
        low_sig, low_sig_imag = filt.transform(sig)
        low_sig = filt.transform(sig)

    if fill == 0:
        # keeping driver in high_sig
        high_sig = sig

        if 'z' in draw or 'e' in draw:
            _plot_multiple_spectrum([sig, low_sig, high_sig], labels=None,
                                    fs=fs, colors='bgr')
            plt.legend(['input', 'driver', 'output'], loc=0)

    elif fill == 1:
        # subtracting driver
        high_sig = sig - low_sig

        if 'z' in draw or 'e' in draw:
            _plot_multiple_spectrum([sig, low_sig, high_sig], labels=None,
                                    fs=fs, colors='bgr')
            plt.legend(['input', 'driver', 'output'], loc=0)

    elif fill == 2:
        # replacing driver by a white noise
        high_sig = sig - low_sig

        if extract_complex:
            fill_sig, _ = filt.transform(random_noise)
            fill_sig = filt.transform(random_noise)
        fill_sig.shape = sig.shape

        # adjust the power of the filling signal and add it to high_sig
        if low_pass:
            fa = fc / 2.
            dfa = fc / 2.
            fa = fc
            dfa = bandwidth
        high_sig = fill_gap(high_sig, fs, fgap=(fa - dfa, fa + dfa), draw=draw,

        if 'z' in draw or 'e' in draw:
                [sig, low_sig, sig - low_sig, fill_sig,
                 high_sig], labels=None, fs=fs, colors='bggrr')
            plt.legend(['input', 'driver', 'input-driver', 'filling'
                        'output'], loc=0)
        raise ValueError('Invalid fill parameter: %s' % str(fill))

    if extract_complex:
        return low_sig, high_sig, low_sig_imag
        return low_sig, high_sig

def low_pass_and_fill(sig, fs, fc=1.0, draw='', bandwidth=1.,
    low_sig, high_sig = extract_and_fill(
        sig, fs, fc, fill=1, low_pass=True, bandwidth=bandwidth,
        random_state=random_state, extract_complex=False)

    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
    random_noise = rng.randn(*sig.shape)

    filt = LowPassFilter(fs=fs, fc=fc, bandwidth=bandwidth)
    fill_sig = filt.transform(random_noise)
    # adjust power of fill_sig and add it to high_sig
    filled_sig = fill_gap(sig=high_sig, fs=fs, fgap=(0, fc),
                          draw=draw, fill_sig=fill_sig)
    return filled_sig

def _plot_multiple_spectrum(signals, fs, labels, colors):
    plot the signals spectrum
    s = Spectrum(block_length=min(2048, signals[0].size), fs=fs,
    for sig in signals:
        s.periodogram(sig, hold=True)
    s.plot(labels=labels, colors=colors, fscale='lin')

def whiten(sig, fs, ordar=8, draw='', enf=50.0, d_enf=1.0, zero_phase=True,
    """Use an AR model to whiten a signal
    The whitening filter is not estimated around multiples of
    the electric network frequency (up to d_enf Hz)

    sig   : input signal
    fs    : sampling frequency of input signal
    ordar : order of AR whitening filter
    draw  : list of plots
    enf   : electric network frequency
    denf  : tolerance on electric network frequency
    zero_phase : if True, apply half the whitening for sig(t) and sig(-t)

    returns the whitened signal

    # -------- create the AR model and its spectrum
    ar = Arma(ordar=ordar, ordma=0, fs=fs, block_length=min(1024, sig.size))
    # duplicate to see the removal of the electric network frequency
    ar.periodogram(sig, hold=True)
    fft_length, _ = ar.check_params()

    # -------- remove the influence of the electric network frequency
    k = 1
    # while the harmonic k is included in the spectrum
    while k * enf - d_enf < fs / 2.0:
        fmin = k * enf - d_enf
        fmax = k * enf + d_enf
        kmin = max((0, int(fft_length * fmin / fs)))
        kmax = min(fft_length // 2, int(fft_length * fmax / fs) + 1)
        Amin = ar.psd[-1][0, kmin]
        Amax = ar.psd[-1][0, kmax]
        # linear interpolation between (kmin, Amin) and (kmax, Amax)
        interpol = np.linspace(Amin, Amax, kmax - kmin, endpoint=False)

        # remove positive frequencies
        ar.psd[-1][0, kmin:kmax] = interpol

        k += 1

    # -------- change psd for zero phase filtering
    if zero_phase:
        ar.psd[-1] = np.sqrt(ar.psd[-1])

    # -------- estimate the model and apply it

    # apply the whitening twice (forward and backward) for zero-phase filtering
    if zero_phase:
        sigout = ar.inverse(sig)
        sigout = sigout[::-1]
        sigout = ar.inverse(sigout)
        sigout = sigout[::-1]
        sigout = ar.inverse(sig)

    gain = np.std(sig) / np.std(sigout)
    sigout *= gain

    if 'w' in draw or 'z' in draw:
        ar.periodogram(sigout, hold=True)
        ar.plot('periodogram before/after whitening', labels=[
            'PSD', 'sqrt(PSD) without electric network', 'model AR',
        ], fscale='lin')
        plt.legend(loc='lower left')

    return sigout

def fill_gap(sig, fs, fgap, draw='', fill_sig=None,
    """Fill a frequency gap with white noise.
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    # -------- get the amplitude of the gap
    sp = Spectrum(block_length=min(512, sig.size), fs=fs, wfunc=np.blackman)
    fft_length, _ = sp.check_params()
    fmin, fmax = fgap
    kmin = max((0, int(fft_length * fmin / fs)))
    kmax = min(fft_length // 2, int(fft_length * fmax / fs) + 1)
    Amin = sp.psd[-1][0, kmin]
    Amax = sp.psd[-1][0, kmax]

    if kmin == 0 and kmax == (fft_length // 2):
        # we can't fill the entire spectrum
        return sig
    if kmin == 0:
        # if the gap reach zero, we only consider the right bound
        Amin = Amax
    if kmax == (fft_length // 2):
        # if the gap reach fft_length / 2, we only consider the left bound
        Amax = Amin

    A_fa = (Amin + Amax) * 0.5

    # -------- bandpass filtering of white noise
    if fill_sig is None:
        white_noise = rng.randn(*sig.shape)
        if kmin == 0:
            fir = LowPassFilter(fs=fs, fc=fmax,
                                bandwidth=min(fmax, fs / 2 - fmax),
            fill_sig = fir.transform(white_noise)
        elif kmax == (fft_length // 2):
            fir = LowPassFilter(fs=fs, fc=fmax,
                                bandwidth=min(fmax, fs / 2 - fmax),

            fill_sig = white_noise - fir.transform(white_noise)
            fc = (fmin + fmax) / 2.
            bandwidth = (fmax - fmin) / 2.
            fir = BandPassFilter(fs=fs, fc=fc, n_cycles=None,
            fill_sig = fir.transform(white_noise)

    # -------- compute the scale parameter
    sp.periodogram(fill_sig, hold=True)
    if kmin == 0:
        kfa = kmin
    elif kmax == (fft_length // 2):
        kfa = kmax
        kfa = int(fft_length * (fmin + fmax) / 2. / fs)
    scale = np.sqrt(A_fa / sp.psd[-1][0, kfa])
    fill_sig *= scale

    sig += fill_sig
    if 'g' in draw or 'z' in draw:
        labels = ['signal', 'fill signal', 'gap filled']
        sp.periodogram(sig, hold=True)
        sp.plot(labels=labels, fscale='lin', title='fill')

    return sig

def _show_plot(draw):
    if draw:

[docs]def extract_driver(sigs, fs, low_fq, n_cycles=None, bandwidth=1.0, fill=2, whitening='after', ordar=10, normalize=False, extract_complex=True, random_state=None, draw='', max_low_fq=None, enf=50.): """Extract the driver with filtering and fill the rest of the signal. The driver is extracted with a bandpass filter, subtracted from the signal, and the frequency gap is filled with filtered white noise. Parameters ---------- sigs : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Input array to filter fs : float Sampling frequency low_fq : float Center frequency of bandpass filters. bandwidth : float Bandwidth of the bandpass filters. Use it to have a constant bandwidth for all filters. Should be None if n_cycles is not None. n_cycles : float Number of cycles of the bandpass filters. Use it to have a bandwidth proportional to the center frequency. Should be None if bandwidth is not None. fill : in {0, 1, 2} Filling strategy for the full band signal high_sigs: 0 : keep the signal unchanged: high_sigs = sigs 1 : remove the bandpass filtered signal: high_sigs = sigs - low_sigs 2 : remove and replace by bandpass filtered Gaussian white noise whitening : in {'before', 'after', None} Define when the whitening is done compared to the filtering. ordar : int >= 0 Order of the AR model used for whitening normalize : boolean Whether to scale the signals to have unit norm high_sigs. The low_sigs are scaled with the same scales. extract_complex : boolean Whether to extract a complex driver (low_sigs and low_sigs_imag) random_state : None, int or np.random.RandomState instance Seed or random number generator for the white noise filling strategy. draw : string Add a letter to the string to draw the corresponding figures: - 'e' : extraction of the driver - 'g' : gap filling - 'w' : whitening step - 'z' : all max_low_fq : float or None Maximum low_fq over a potential cross-validation scheme. Returns ------- low_sigs : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Bandpass filtered signal (aka driver) high_sigs : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Bandstop filtered signal low_sigs_imag : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Imaginary part of the bandpass filtered signal Returned only if extract_complex is True. Examples -------- >>> low_sig, high_sig, low_sigs_imag = extract_driver(sigs, fs, 3.0) """ frequency_range = [low_fq] for sigs in multiple_extract_driver( sigs=sigs, fs=fs, frequency_range=frequency_range, n_cycles=n_cycles, bandwidth=bandwidth, fill=fill, whitening=whitening, ordar=ordar, normalize=normalize, extract_complex=extract_complex, random_state=random_state, draw=draw, max_low_fq=max_low_fq, enf=enf): pass return sigs
def multiple_extract_driver(sigs, fs, frequency_range, n_cycles=None, bandwidth=1.0, fill=2, whitening='after', ordar=10, normalize=False, extract_complex=True, random_state=None, draw='', max_low_fq=None, enf=50.): """Extract the driver for several bandpass center frequency. Parameters ---------- sigs : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Input array to filter fs : float Sampling frequency frequency_range : float, list, or array, shape (n_frequencies, ) List of center frequency of bandpass filters. bandwidth : float Bandwidth of the bandpass filters. Use it to have a constant bandwidth for all filters. Should be None if n_cycles is not None. n_cycles : float Number of cycles of the bandpass filters. Use it to have a bandwidth proportional to the center frequency. Should be None if bandwidth is not None. fill : in {0, 1, 2} Filling strategy for the full band signal high_sigs: 0 : keep the signal unchanged: high_sigs = sigs 1 : remove the bandpass filtered signal: high_sigs = sigs - low_sigs 2 : remove and replace by bandpass filtered Gaussian white noise whitening : in {'before', 'after', None} Define when the whitening is done compared to the filtering. ordar : int >= 0 Order of the AR model used for whitening normalize : boolean Whether to scale the signals to have unit norm high_sigs. The low_sigs are scaled with the same scales. extract_complex : boolean Whether to extract a complex driver (low_sigs and low_sigs_imag) random_state : None, int or np.random.RandomState instance Seed or random number generator for the white noise filling strategy. draw : string Add a letter to the string to draw the corresponding figures: - 'e' : extraction of the driver - 'g' : gap filling - 'w' : whitening step - 'z' : all max_low_fq : float or None Maximum low_fq over a potential cross-validation scheme. Returns ------- low_sigs : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Bandpass filtered signal (aka driver) high_sigs : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Bandstop filtered signal low_sigs_imag : array, shape (n_epochs, n_points) Imaginary part of the bandpass filtered signal Returned only if extract_complex is True. Examples -------- >>> for (low_sig, high_sig, low_sigs_imag) in multiple_extract_driver( ... sigs, fs, [2., 3., 4.]): ... pass """ frequency_range = np.atleast_1d(frequency_range) sigs = np.atleast_2d(sigs) rng = check_random_state(random_state) if whitening == 'before': sigs = [whiten(sig, fs=fs, ordar=ordar, draw=draw, enf=enf) for sig in sigs] _show_plot(draw) # extract the high frequencies independently of the driver if max_low_fq is None: max_low_fq = max(frequency_range) fc_low_pass = (max_low_fq + bandwidth * 2) # arbitrary low_pass_width = bandwidth low_and_high = [ extract_and_fill(sig, fs=fs, fc=fc_low_pass, bandwidth=low_pass_width, fill=fill, random_noise=None, draw=draw, extract_complex=False, low_pass=True, random_state=rng.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max)) for sig in sigs ] high_sigs = [both[1] for both in low_and_high] if whitening == 'after': high_sigs = [ whiten(high_sig, fs=fs, ordar=ordar, draw=draw, enf=enf) for high_sig in high_sigs ] if normalize: scales = [1.0 / np.std(high_sig) for high_sig in high_sigs] high_sigs = [high * s for (high, s) in zip(high_sigs, scales)] # as high_sigs is now fixed, we don't need the following fill = 0 random_noise = None # extract_and_fill the driver for fc in frequency_range: low_and_high = [ extract_and_fill( sig, fs=fs, fc=fc, n_cycles=n_cycles, bandwidth=bandwidth, fill=fill, random_noise=random_noise, draw=draw, extract_complex=extract_complex, random_state=random_state) for sig in sigs ] low_sigs = [both[0] for both in low_and_high] if extract_complex: low_sigs_imag = [both[2] for both in low_and_high] # normalize variances if normalize: low_sigs = [low * s for (low, s) in zip(low_sigs, scales)] if extract_complex: low_sigs_imag = [ low * s for (low, s) in zip(low_sigs_imag, scales) ] _show_plot(draw) low_sigs = np.asarray(low_sigs) high_sigs = np.asarray(high_sigs) if extract_complex: low_sigs_imag = np.array(low_sigs_imag) yield low_sigs, high_sigs, low_sigs_imag else: yield low_sigs, high_sigs